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Pi Network – Developer Ambassador Program

Terms and Conditions


“Ambassador” – means a Registered Pioneer who (1) meets all of the eligibility criteria set forth in these Terms, and (2) introduces one or more Qualified Referees to the Company.

“Ambassador Reward” or “Ambassador Rewards” – means a reward payable to the Ambassador’s account with the Company, subject to the satisfaction and fulfillment of the conditions as set forth in these Terms and in the amount as described at the following link  Available and applicable Ambassador Rewards are subject to change, and may be changed with or without notice by the Company.  Participants in this Program should visit the above link frequently to determine the currently available Ambassador Rewards.  All Ambassador Awards are subject to a twelve (12) month lock-up period from the date they are distributed to the Ambassador.*  

“Company”, “We” or “Us” – means Pi Community Company and SocialChain Inc. 

“Company Platform” – means the Pi Network platform operated by the Company.

“Company Developer Portal” – means Company’s Developer Portal app on the Company Platform.

“Developer” – means any User that registers with the Company and accepts the Pi Network Developer Terms of Use.  

“Developer Application” – means mobile web applications developed by a Developer using Our Developer Tools and Developer Content. 

“Developer Ambassador Program” or the “Program” – means a Company system that incentivizes Registered Pioneers to recommend others  to become New Pioneers and Qualified Referee’s through a personal invite within their own network (family, friends, and others) based on these Terms and Conditions.

“New Pioneer” – means a User who has not yet registered as a User of the Company Platform as of June 28, 2023, and who registers as a User during the Program Term.

“Program Term” – means the period commencing on June 28, 2023 and ending on March 31, 2024.

“Program End Date” –  means March 31, 2024.

“Qualified Referee” – shall mean a person who (1) registers himself as New Pioneer using a Registered Pioneer’s Referral Code, (2) registers as a Developer on the Company Developer Portal, and (3) registers a Developer Application for development on the Company Platform within thirty (30) days of registration as a New Pioneer.

“Referee” – means a person to whom a Registered Pioneer sends a Referral Code.

“Referral Code” – shall mean the username associated with each Registered Pioneer account that is to be shared with other persons in order to become New Pioneers.

“Registered Pioneer” or “You” – means a User that registered as a User of the Company Platform.

“Terms” or “Terms and Conditions” – means the terms and conditions as set forth in this document which shall be applicable to this Program, or any updates, changes or modifications to these terms and conditions made at any time, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Company, which are published at the following link

“User” – means a User of the Company Platform.

By participating in the Developer Ambassador Referral Program, you agree to accept and comply with these Terms and Conditions, and all other policies, terms and conditions required by the Company when registering with the Company Platform, or as may otherwise be applicable during your use of the Company Platform, including but not limited to the Company Terms of Service. You should read the entire Terms before participating in the Program.  

Each time you share your Referral Code with New Pioneer for the purpose of participating in the Developer Ambassador Programs, it is considered your consent and agreement to the Terms. If you do not agree with the Terms or any part of them, you may not use the Referral Code.

Important notice

We reserve our right to change, cancel, suspend, or modify any aspect of the Program or the Terms at any time and at our sole and absolute discretion, taking into account the Ambassador Rewards received prior to such action. You agree it is your responsibility to follow and review any such changes, including, but not limited to, frequently visiting the following link describing the applicable Ambassador Rewards currently available.  We will notify you of any changes and their effective date via publication on our webpage.  By continuing to participate in this Program, you shall be considered to have agreed with the changed Terms after the changes become effective.


How does it work?

You may invite others to become New Pioneers by sharing your Referral Code with them.  If a New Pioneer satisfies all the criteria to be considered a Qualified Referee, then you will be eligible to receive Ambassador Rewards for the completion by the Qualified Referee of the following activity on or before the Program End Date:  

  • Tier 1 – Listing in the Company Unverified Mainnet Ecosystem of the Developer Application for a period of not less than thirty (30) continuous calendar days. 

For each tier identified above (each referred to individually herein as a “Tier” and collectively as “Tiers” if applicable) for which all criteria is satisfied and therefore completed by a Qualified Referee on or before the Program End Date, the Ambassador shall receive payment of the applicable Ambassador Reward (as described in the link provided in the above definition) within ninety (90) days of the completion of such Tier.  You shall receive payment of any such Ambassador Rewards due and payable to you by direct deposit from the Company into the in-app Pi balance associated with your Company account.  All Ambassador Awards are subject to a twelve (12) month lock-up period from the date they are distributed to the Ambassador.  

For you to be considered eligible for Ambassador Rewards, the Qualified Referee must use your Referral Code when registering as a New Pioneer during the Program Term.  If your Referral Code is not used by a Referee when they register as a New Pioneer, or they register after the Program End Date, you will not be eligible for Ambassador Rewards.     

Each Tier of the Ambassador Award for each Qualified Referee is only available for the Qualified Referee’s first Developer Application that completes any one of the Tiers, regardless of the number of Developer Applications the Qualified Referee may build on the Company Platform.

Furthermore, you will only be eligible for Ambassador Rewards if you satisfy all eligibility criteria for the Program.  If you do not satisfy all eligibility criteria, you will not be eligible for Ambassador Rewards pursuant to this program regardless of whether a Qualified Referee completes the Tier.  

During the Program Term, you may share your Referral Code with as many individuals as you like, and it may be shared via whatever means you prefer (i.e. e-mail, social media, etc.); provided, however, you must adhere to the policies, terms and conditions of the delivery mechanism or platform used to share the Referral Code.  Once a Referee receives your Referee Code, they should proceed to the Pi Network mobile application to register with the Company as a New Pioneer.  During their registration, they will need to use your Referral Code for you to be eligible for Ambassador Rewards.  Following registration as a New Pioneer, they need to then register as a Developer on the Company Developer Portal, and register a Developer Application for development on the Company Platform within thirty (30) days of their New Pioneer registration to be considered a Qualified Referee.  If a Referee becomes a Qualified Referee during the Program Term, and you are eligible pursuant to the terms of this Program, then you will be eligible to receive Ambassador Rewards upon the Qualified Referee’s completion of the Tier.  

For purposes of this Program, We will only use your personal data to establish relations between you and the Referee, and in order to fulfill our obligations towards you with respect to payment of any Ambassador Rewards that you may become eligible to receive. For more information regarding data privacy, please see our Privacy Policy.

In the event that the Referee receives a Referral Code from more than one person, the Referral Code used during the Referee’s registration as a New Pioneer shall be determinative as to whom the Referee is attributable, and to whom Ambassador Rewards, if any, shall be payable.  

The Company, in its sole and absolute discretion, may, at any time or from time to time, publish changes to these Terms. In such cases, the Terms as updated, changed or modified shall apply. In the event of a discrepancy between the provision of these Terms and any updated Terms, the then prevailing and updated, changed or modified Terms shall govern this Program.


How can you become an Ambassador?

For purposes of this Program, to be eligible as an Ambassador you must (1) be a Registered Pioneer, (2) be in compliance at all times with the Terms of the Program, and (3) be in compliance with all Company policies, terms and conditions of the with respect to your Company account.  


What is considered Program misuse and what are the consequences?

By participating in this Program, you are eligible to invite others to become New Pioneers by sharing your Referral Code with them with the aim that they become New Pioneers, and thereafter Qualified Referees that satisfy the criteria for completion of one or more Tiers.

Referral Codes should be used as personal invite and for non-commercial purposes only. In the event that the Company determines that Referral Codes are used for commercial purposes, or as a means by which to exploit the Program and/or Ambassador Reward system, you will be deemed to be ineligible for further participation in the Program and for Ambassador Rewards, and barred from future similar programs offered by the Company.   

In addition to the above restrictions, the following actions and/or activities are strictly prohibited and will result in you being considered to be ineligible for this Program and Ambassador Rewards:

  • Making false, misleading or inappropriate and untrue representations to Referee’s or the public regarding the Program, any benefits that the Referee may receive by registering as a New Pioneer with the Company, or with respect to the Company and its operations.
  • Promoting your Referral Code through the use of paid advertising, or paid advertising using the Company name or the name of the Company Platform (i.e. Pi Network).  
  • Promoting your Referral Code through a public website or domain established for commercial purposes or solely for the purpose of distributing your Referral Code.
  • Using automated systems, bots, or scripts.
  • Encouraging the Referee’s to register with the Company for a purpose to exploit the Program and the Ambassador Reward system, without the actual purpose of becoming a Qualified Referee.  
  • Using the Company brand, the Program, our services, or Company Platform in connection with any offensive, abusive, harassing, or defamatory content, or in any such manner contrary to the policies, terms and conditions of the Company, your Company account, or the Terms of this Program. 

In the event that you violate these Terms, and the above referenced restrictions on prohibited conduct, the Company reserves the right to:

  • Deactivate your Referral Code for use with this Program, or any future similar program offered by the Company, at any time and in its sole and absolute discretion;
  • Disable or discontinue the payment of any Ambassador Rewards resulting from such activities or which may otherwise become due and payable to you pursuant to your participation in this Program;
  • Disqualify you from eligibility for any Ambassador Rewards that but for your prohibited conduct would have become due and payable during the Program Term.  
  • Take any other measure(s) that the Company deems appropriate to protect the interest of the Company, the Company Platform and the Program.

Important notice: 

The Company may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate, restrict, or suspend any User’s participation in the Program for breach of these Terms, or if we find that your method of or intentions for participating in the Program do not meet the conditions and purpose as defined in the Terms, or we suspect any fraud or manipulation of the Term or abuse of the Program. The Company, therefore, reserves the right to suspend your account or to deny, cancel the distribution, deactivate your Referral Code, deduct any Ambassador Rewards from your Company account, or decline being awarded any Ambassador Reward that the Company determines or believes was received in a fraudulent manner, or pursuant to manipulation of or violation of the Terms, or which was otherwise issued to you by error, including technical errors.

You are not eligible to participate in the Program if you reside in a country which prohibits such programs, or where you are not permitted by law to receive the Ambassador Rewards. Additionally, we may also restrict your participation in the Program if your country of nationality is excluded from the countries where we enable the Program (applicable in case we specifically restrict certain countries from participation in the Program).

Furthermore, if your participation in this Program, or your conduct while participating in this Program, violates any applicable law, rule or regulation, the Company may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate, restrict, or suspend any User’s participation in the Program or deem you ineligible to receive any Ambassador Rewards that you may otherwise have been entitled to under these Terms. 


What else should I know?

The Company does not make any representation or warranty with respect to the tax implications for you which may result from your participation in the Program. You must educate yourself about, and seek independent tax advice, with respect to the tax law provisions applicable to you for participation in this Program, and on such Ambassador Rewards that you may receive.  You are responsible for all taxes due and payable with respect to any Ambassador Rewards that you may receive, and for any and all tax filings that may be necessary.  

You can see your referral history in your Company Platform account.

In case of termination of the Program by the Company, subject to the Terms, all Ambassador Rewards that are due and payable at the time of cancellation shall be successfully made on or prior to the termination effective date.

For any further information on the Terms or the Developer Ambassador Program, please contact [email protected]

Representations and Warranties

By participating in this Program, you represent and warrant to the Company that your participation does not violate any law, rule or regulation, and that you will at all times during your participation in this Program comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and all policies, terms and conditions of the Company, including, but not limited to, these Terms.


By participating in this Program, you acknowledge and agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold the Company and its representatives, officers and employees harmless from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising from or related to any breach by you of any of these Terms or any violation by you of applicable law, Company policies, terms and conditions.

Limitation of Liability

The Company will not be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages (or any loss of revenue, profits, expenditures or data) arising in connection with these Terms or the Program, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. 


We make no express or implied warranties or representations with respect to the Program or potential benefits that you may receive or become eligible for by participation in the Program. 

Governing Law, Jurisdiction & Binding Arbitration

Your use of the Company Platform is governed by the law and jurisdiction as set forth in its applicable policies, terms and conditions that you agreed to when you established your User account with the Company, which may be updated by the Company from time to time.  Regardless of your place of residence, incorporation or where you access or use the Company Platform from for purposes of your participation in this Program, the Terms of this Program, will be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of the State of California, excluding any otherwise applicable rules of conflict of laws, which would result in the application of the laws of a jurisdiction other than the State of California. 

The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for disputes under or relating to these terms shall be the federal and state courts located in San Francisco, California.  By participating in this Program, you consent to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts, and waive any objection to such personal jurisdiction or the non-convenience of such forum.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may retain the right to lodge a claim against you pursuant to the indemnity clause above in any court adjudicating a third-party claim against us.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a dispute between you and the Company, you shall use your best efforts to engage directly to settle any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement and engage in good faith negotiations with the Company which shall be a condition to your initiation of a lawsuit or arbitration.

If you and the Company are unable to reach an agreed upon solution within a period of thirty (30) days from the time you inform the Company of the dispute, then either party may initiate binding arbitration as the sole means to resolve claims, subject to the terms set forth below. Specifically, all claims arising out of or relating to these Terms (including their formation, performance and breach), the relationship you and the Company shall be finally settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with the provisions of its Commercial Arbitration Rules and the supplementary procedures for consumer related disputes of the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”), excluding any rules or procedures governing or permitting class actions.

The arbitrator, and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve all disputes arising out of or relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of these Terms, including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of these Terms are void or voidable, or whether a claim is subject to arbitration. The arbitrator shall be empowered to grant whatever relief would be available in a court under law or in equity. The arbitrator’s award shall be written, and binding on you and the Company and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.

You understand, acknowledge and agree that, absent this mandatory provision, you would have the right to sue in court and have a jury trial. You further understand, acknowledge and agree that, in some instances, the costs of arbitration could exceed the costs of litigation and the right to discovery may be more limited in arbitration than in court.

Binding arbitration shall take place in the State of California. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of any federal or state court in San Mateo County, California, in order to compel arbitration, to stay proceedings pending arbitration, or to confirm, modify, vacate or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator.

* Ambassador Rewards will only be issued to you if you agree and execute the Company’s Token Acknowledgement Agreement, and any other agreements required by the Company at the time of issuance. Pi Cryptocurrency does not currently have any value beyond its use and utility within Pi Network, and is not tradeable on any exchange.  The issuance of Ambassador Rewards to you shall be subject to applicable restrictions, including, but not limited to lockup periods, as determined in the sole and absolute discretion of the Company at the time of issuance.  Failure by you to agree to the above terms and conditions of Ambassador Reward issuance, or to execute all agreements as required by the Company, shall constitute a forfeiture of any Ambassador Rewards otherwise payable to you as set forth above.  

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