Two new updates were released that may help unblock your KYC application if you take action! These updates focus on allowing real Pioneers to update their information and potentially progress in the KYC process.
Solutions for Name Mismatches:
Pioneers whose Pi Account Name and KYC Name do not match would normally have their applications rejected due to their failure to prove their ownership of the account through KYC verification. This includes accounts that do not follow the requirement to use real names, despite several clear notices in the app interface, and missed the two-week window to update their account with their real names.
However, as community reports show, there is a possibility that genuine Pioneers face this situation.
To balance (1) enabling such genuine Pioneers to move forward in the process and (2) the need to prevent the violations of terms and policies such as account transfers, we’ve released an update that allows eligible Pioneers to:
- Appeal for a chance to resubmit their application with corrected details; or
- Update their Pi account name to their KYC’s name with a penalty of forfeiting part of their Mobile Balance.
Eligible Pioneers will see in the Pi KYC app this text about the KYC application rejection due to name mismatch, followed by options based on the Pioneer’s specific circumstances. If you do not see this text, you are not eligible for this feature at this time.

Note: The specific options available and the penalty amount depend on each Pioneer’s specific circumstances.
Eligible Pioneers include those whose KYC applications were rejected due to name mismatches. However, Pioneers are eligible only if they have appealed exactly one time due to this rejection reason, and that single appeal was denied.
Small Typo Fixes for Account Phone Numbers
To help Pioneers who may have made small typos when adding their phone number to their Pi account (and have not already verified this number), Pioneers can now edit up to 2 digits of their account phone number.
Unlike any other social media and internet account, the phone number associated with a Pi account ties to the Pioneer’s Pi Mobile Balance and Pi Wallet (where they will receive the Pi cryptocurrency on the blockchain) and is an important proof of the uniqueness of the Pioneer that helps enforce Pi’s one-account-per-person policy. For example, people are required to verify their phone number to fully pass KYC and migrate.
Thus, the update of the account phone number cannot be taken lightly. This feature finally made it possible for Pioneers who made a small typo in registration or entered an incorrect country code in the past to correct their numbers. Allowing only up to 2 digits to change is to make sure the phone number change will not be exploited by policy violators such as account transfers and sales or hackers taking over someone’s account. More guardrails need to be in place before additional features are released that allow for a larger update to account phone numbers, e.g. extra verification of ownership and identity verification.
Eligible Pioneers should edit this through their profile settings in the Pi mining app now. This feature is especially crucial for Pioneers who have a tentative KYC status and need to use their correct number to reset their password or verify their account.
Pioneers will see the “update” option in their profile settings only if they are eligible.